Monday, June 28, 2010

Having trouble sticking with your plan? '14-Day Juice Cleanse'

After combining reading with my own experiences I had with the juice fasting, allow me to put those obstacles and tips together to help your rides as pleasant and enjoyable as possible.

The intention of this detox style is to speed up our body’s natural detoxification process and eliminate as much toxins as possible within the short period of time. During this period of detoxification, our cells and organs are given the chance to rapidly purge out toxins and rest. It is also the time for them to rejuvenate and repair the body systems.

To see the recipe, click here.

Having trouble sticking with your plan? Here are some ideas that may relate to you:

1. When to start? (procrastination..)
Answer: Pick the date to start, decide how many days of fasting and JUST DO IT!!

(after starting..)
2. Thinking of quitting?
Answer: Some discomfort is to be expected when you’re cleansing, they call it detox symptoms, known as a healing crisis. A slight headache, body aches, irritability and bad breath are signs that your body is responding to the process and attempting to remove toxins. They will subside within one or two days. Meditation and/or herbal warmed bath help lots in the process to release tensions and discomforts. Consult your qualified health practitioner if you have doubts/concerns.

3. Hungry or just want to eat something?
Answer: That's why it is important to decrease your food intake days before the cleanse. If you consume enough juice, you should NOT be hungry, perhaps it is just your ego. Continue drinking water! No fiber supplement as it will bulk up any waste in your colon and make you feel more full..JUST STICK WITH YOUR JUICE ONLY! Put some salts in your tongue are also beneficial.

4. More tips?
Re-direct your focus to some other things like doing relaxing activities like yoga, reading books, exercising, teaching kids (in my case :-), meditating that bring you joy as these will help you to occupy the hunger.

During your cleanse, once your hunger has subsided, your mind may still think it needs food. Prepare for this possibility with daily affirmations. Believe in yourself that you will be able to finish the cleanse.

Many people have made it through this process and you can too! Relax and imagine how much different you will feel after your juice cleanse..emotionally, physically, most significantly is spiritually (for me). If you have to stop early (for whatever reasons), relax! You can always try again in a few months.

I wish you all and myself the very best as I still have to go back once in awhile to read the above notes if I had 'issue(s).'

Go To Your Destiny!

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