Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The experience after the 'Juice Cleanse'

2nd day after the juice cleanse, I'd been cooking lots of foods..so excited!

The downside was I can't eat much, worst still for the first day I touch the foods, everything tastes so sensitive and yet so dry in mouth. Well, I supposed I was too greedy @@ I should've taken everything much slowly...naughty!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

14/14 of 'Juice Cleanse': Self-will

'Where there's a WILL, there's a WAY!' 'Thank you, Lord for this opportunity!!'

14 days has been almost towards the end of if, I think I deserve a pad on my shoulder...I am proud of being me, I feel great (as a result of this cleansing), and mostly, my believe has gone to another deeper lever of myself!!

This is my own quote I am proud to share, 'If you believe in something, go for it, stimulate yourself on the way, and just keep doing it until you get it! 

Thank you, Lord for this opportunity!! Thank you for those who've been supporting me all the way, my family! Look forward to eat again....kept thinking what to eat after this, my list goes too long...:-)

Friday, July 9, 2010

13/14 Day of 'Juice Cleanse': Clean

By now, I can differentiate between 'hunger' and 'temptation' pretty clearly, in my own way.

This is the story you can apply, just imagine if there are 2 rooms side by side inside of you, and you put the word HUNGER in one room and TEMPTATION on the other side of the room...close your eyes and said which room are you in at the moment.

Your mind traveled to the tummy part and feel it if you're really and truly hungry - HUNGER room (well, drink your juice first, avoid leaving your mouth dry and thirsty, because the sweetness of the juice is enough to stop your craving from time to time).

And this time move to another room to feel again - TEMPTATION room (in my case is my brain). If you're actually tempted to same particular food that you smell or see at that time...for me, it's sooo clear that the 'hunger' room don't say anything and the 'temptation' room roaring terribly bad.

So, is that obvious which room you are at? Think about it..

To me, there is no reason to give up just because you're too 'hungry' (just think you can always eat after the cleansing time, right?), you must separate the two issues here. But again, everyone is different, you will know when it's the 'right time' for you to start, continue, & to stop.
You'll feel full once you sip the juice. My suggestion is to make yourself preoccupied with lots of activities, so that your brain does not 'play tricks' on you.

Click this for 'Cleansing' recipe.

Having trouble sticking with your plan? Click this.
More ideas for meatless foods?

Quote for today: “God doesn't seek for golden vessels, and does not ask for silver ones, but He must have clean ones.” Dwight L. Moody quotes (American Evangelist, 1837-1899)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

12/14 Day of 'Juice Cleanse': Uplifting

Did you know?
that you're not feeling hungry during fasting? (more about it tomorrow :-)

I know it's a fasting season for me, but I want to share with you that even though you're fasting, you can still enjoy the food you're cooking or even seeing your family enjoying the foods (can't help, right? Because they still need to eat daily).

What else?

There are all cooked without MEATS! Lots of people have been asking what sort of food to cook then? 'That would be boring!' 'Not enough vitamins for my kids.' 'I don't think we can do it!' 'It's too hard for my husband to change!' The lists will continue.....

It comes down to your 'CHOICE'. I will not say much about it because I am not in the position to say more about health and nutritious, I am just the ordinary woman who're just happy and believe what I believe and more importantly life is getting better and better ever since (in my opinion). So, I thought...hmm, we must be doing something right somewhere :-)

Since food are consumed largely everyday, we have to learn to be a smart eater and yet still enjoying the foods we eat, remember the famous quote says 'YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT.' Don't worry, I am still a human with lots of bad habits, too! Like fried stuffs and so on, but at least keep learning to be healthier everyday, that itself should be enough (I think) :-)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

11/14 Day of 'Juice Cleanse': Immune

Good day everyone...

Let me share you the quote I love so much...'We are not victims of aging, sickness and death. These are part of scenery, not the seer, who is immune to any form of change. This seer is the spirit, the expression of eternal being.'(Deepak Chopra)

Mushroom is one of the healthiest fungi some people ignore its benefits.

The first one, I have no clue its name, but you can find it almost in any market (Perth), taste very sweet and juicy. Size can be as big as a plate.

Shimeji: studies show that these compounds may be beneficial to the human immune system and may help to prevent allergies, asthma and diabetes.

Enoki: has significant anticancer and immune-enhancing effects.

Shitake: has been used for centuries by the Chinese and Japanese to treat colds and flu.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

10/14 Day of 'Juice Cleanse': Synchronize

So far so greatt...body & mind are 97% cooperated, the other 3% (secretly..) I've been writing down those food places I missed, to go after and foods to eat. Thank God I'm still human and still look forward to eat my own foods :-)

I feel soooo (sorry, too attached) synchronized...my body, my mind, my spirit...I LOVE myself, I LOVE what I am doing! Thanks Lord once again for the opportunity for me to feel again your grace and love deep inside me. If people said fasting is too challenging, but now I can proudly say that if there is a WILL, there is a WAY! Also I need to remind myself about it everytime I face something challenging in life.

This is just another idea I want to share..

Monday, July 5, 2010

9/14 Day of 'Juice Cleanse': Silence

Silence is the true friend that never betrays. ~Confucius

9 Days have been passed, I gained more confident in myself (and to others) that I/we can somehow do things correctly, if I/we want to! With enough will power, knowing what you're doing, believe in it, focus, prays, and just keep doing it!! I think I mentioned this on the earlier blog. 

Go to your destiny to you all! xoxo

Sunday, July 4, 2010

8/14 of 'Juice Cleanse': Productive

“Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks” (Warren Buffett)

So true, devoting our energy is very essential as to where you're going to spend the energy to. Like last night, I was invited to sit and had a dinner with bunch of good friends after a hard working days, weeks, and months to prepare for these big piano competitions. Then, we ended up celebrated and congratulated the 'Master' behind the event who was Mr. Lee (our kids's tutor) for his hard work and dedication.

I can have 2 options here where to avoid the 'hassle' and just went home (also hubby had appointment close to the time, as an excuse ;-)), or I would join and have fun together.
My decision was definitely to go and have fun, I would regret it if I didn't go as it turned out to be very closed and fun dinner together.

Everyone, started asking me as to whether it would be a better idea if I just stayed at home rather than facing and smelling those delicate and delicious foods in front of me?

What did I think? Yeah, I was thinking about it for awhile, because they are so true, and yet, I was the only one among 19 people were munching those foods, sitting there and did not mind at all. In fact, I got out with lotssss of inspirations from those foods as to what meals I can produce based from the ideas I'd seen that day...that's amazing! I was so excited as I looked carefully of each of those dishes (as I helped hubby to scoop meals to see what's inside of the ingredients smelled his food sometimes,haha, I know it's hilarious) and my brain just went wild of what to cook later!


Because I devoted (well now I understand more after I read the quote) my energy to something else that was more productive than just being not happy because I can't taste the foods. You can only experience it when you do it yourself! No one will tell you what happened (apart from being tempted & hungry), and if the book says so, you probably still don't understand or wouldn't do it at all because it's too challenging.

Challenge yourself to do harder work (that's always my philosophy, well..not always works, at least I'm willing to learn). Get out from your comfort zone, and base on this experience, I can tell you that you will discover yourself deeper and LOVE yourself more!

Why did not I feel hungry?

Because I brought along my juice and sipped it occasionally. But the main thing is that, you've never know what strength or what you're capable of doing (like kids who you don't know sometimes what they're thinking of until they produce such a talent) until you start doing something, push yourself harder, lots of perseverance knowing that this is good for you, prayer helps heaps, and look for other benefits around it, by that time, I supposed you're already doing half way through.

This is just the idea of food I came out when I have nothing to cook, and the result was still more delicious than the pizza we normally buy out. Enjoy!

My last word of encouragement to you all (and to myself) is 'to keep persisting in or remaining constant to a purpose.

Also thanks be to GOD for allowing me to go through this process with Him!

Go to your destiny! xoxo

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Half/14: 'stimulate'

 What a very stimulate morning today! Thinking what I've been doing, done, what I'm gonna be doing...what an interesting journey we live in now.

My 5yo son said to me one day, 'Mah, China must be very powerful, right?' 'Why?' I asked him. 'Because everything made in China, from plate, my underwear, food...everything, but not Indonesia!'
Then, I can't stop laughing (no wonder he's been turning just about everything upside down to see inside the labels). You never know what the kids are capable of thinking of...

Today, my son & daughter will be performing at the winning concert, I felt sense of achievements in our life.

I asked my son (5yo) & daughter (7yo) what they would be when they grown up (given what they're good at)?
My daughter said that she would be teaching other kids music, she will be performing all around the world and inspire others. What a great heart she has! I was already inspired, too, by just listening to that :-)

My son's answer was to teach math, especially to his favourite singer, Sarah Brightman, who has been his idol because of her LOVE of singing (I believe).

Then I asked myself, 'Why are we here for?' ( I closed my eyes to seek for the answer(s)). Not long after, I got the glimpse of what I'm searching for so clearly that...'is to help others to do the same or more!' But, I believe that I have to do more things for myself first so that I have the energy to inspire others. What a remarkable meaning of it! Without His blessing, we would never be who we are today! Thank you, Lord, for your LOVE.

Friday, July 2, 2010

6th Day 'Juice Cleanse': Gartitude

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.

- Denis Waitley

By now, I can differentiate between 'hunger' and 'temptation' pretty clearly.

This is the story you can apply, just imagine if there are 2 rooms side by side inside of you, and you put the word HUNGRY in one room and TEMPTATION on the other side of the room...close your eyes and said which room are you in at the moment.

Your mind traveled to the tummy part and feel it if you're really and truly hungry - HUNGRY room (well, drink your juice first, avoid leaving your mouth dry and thirsty).

And this time move to another room to feel again - TEMPTATION room (in my case is my brain). If you're actually tempted to same particular food that you smell or see at that time...for me, it's sooo clear that the 'hungry' room don't say anything and the 'temptation' room roaring terribly bad.

So, is that obvious which room you are at? Think about it..

To me, there is no reason to give up just because you're too 'hungry' (you can always eat after the cleansing time, right?), you must separate the two issues here. But again, everyone is different, you will know when is the 'right time' for you.
You'll feel full once you sip the juice. My suggestion is to make yourself preoccupied with lots of activities, so that your brain does not 'play tricks' on you.

Click this for 'Cleansing' recipe.

Having trouble sticking with your plan? Click this.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

5/14 of 'Juice Cleanse': Content

When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"- Sydney J. Harri.
It's so true, given me the experience the fact that I can't put anything in my mouth except the juice, I appreciate (just a little part of life) deeper.

I realised  now (even more), that life is so simple and yet looks so complicated..well, at least how we/I look or face it sometimes. Focusing on something that we don't have and spend so much energy in chasing them.

Results? ..most are disappointments!

Perhaps, we could re-direct the energy of focusing something what we really NEED, instead of what we WANT?

What's next? Just keep reminding myself and each other to do so, is to keep asking ourselves what really truly we NEED? From then on, we can start focusing the energy towards the 'right' targets, and really enjoy the beauty of this life God has given us!


Later today, I prepared lunch as usual, and cooked rice. I wondered why the smell of the cooked rice was better than usual? Temptation..:-) Was it because I missed food so much or that showed how clear & clean the body circulations are? The smell of the cooking rice was so clear that I could as if see all the particles that were coming out inside the smoke from the rice cooker..hmm, interesting.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Definition of Fasting

Glucose  is the body's primary fuel source and is essential for the brain's functioning. When denied glucose for more than 4–8 hours, the body turns to the liver  for glycogen, a storage form of glucose, to be used for fuel. A process called glycogenolysis converts glycogen into a usable form of fuel. At this point, the body also uses small amounts of protein to supplement this fuel. This fuel will last for up to 12 hours before the body needs to turn to glycogen stored in muscles, lasting for a few more days. If glucose is still denied at this point, muscle wasting is prevented by temporarily switching to fat as the fuel source, meaning fat is converted into ketone through catabolism. Ketones, while not sugars, can be used by the brain as a fuel source as long as glucose is denied.

Today’s contemporaries are desperately trying to find a new spiritual identity. We have surrounded ourselves with a plethora of techno-gizmos that furnish an illusion of being in control. The feeling of mobility provided by computers, TV and internet are able to hide the powerlessness we have over our own inner will and emotions.

It’s time for a change.

At the start, it is going to hurt.

Fasting is a knife that cuts away superficiality, getting to the bone. Effective, because it is able to break up daily patterns upon which you have become so dependent. When those patterns of pleasure are removed, you are left with your own internal resources. If those resources are bankrupt, then during fasting, you will come face to face with a vacuum that only God can fill.

Fasting accomplishes two purposes. First, it will reveal how much the flesh has taken control of your emotions. And secondly, it will serve in breaking the flesh’s hold upon the will.

During fasting, patterns of living are broken. Fasting can be an oasis of spiritual refreshment in a life that has become a desert of uselessness. A spiritual desert that has been left in the wake of selfish materialism.

Fasting is not something which we are offering up to God, but, instead, it assists in offering ourselves up to God (Rom. 12:1-2).

(From Wikipedia & http://www.freedomyou.com/fasting_book/spiritual%20fasting.html)

4/14 of 'Juice Cleanse': Energized

Kids've been bringing me the juice and water, making sure I'll drink for the whole day..how sweet they are. Thanks Paul for helping to juice those tons & tons of fruits for me..:-)

I believe that we have to search happiness from within ourselves not from others, but receiving the attentions from people around that you love the most are also hard to resist :-)

6 Kids piano competitions are all around the corner, well, starting today (to be exact). It's time to test my 'balance' as well between real life and the 'hibernate' life. To know what's more important...interesting!

The different between 'hibernation' in animals and in this 'fasting period' is that it is not a state of inactivity of metabolic depression, but is the state of finding the inner power and to be able to turn it into 'real beauty' (in whatever degree).

Those people, my family, are (again) reminding me how worthwhile this life is....hmm, beautifull ^_^

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

3rd day of the 14: Fulfill

Feel much better as my body & mind are starting to co-operate with me to accomplish this mission. So much things to do & to be done with, but these are not the excuse to be 'soft', because there're still 11 more days to go!
This is just an idea for brekky, brunch, or whenever..enjoy :-)
Surprisingly, these 2 days are much easier than in the first fasting period, perhaps all because of our mind.
 I made up my mind to have 'NO' other choices than my option here, therefore, I started to feel much better.

Other thing that is happening is that I burped more than usual, probably just the symptom of releasing gas from the digestive tract since only liquid that enter my stomach.

Monday, June 28, 2010

2nd day of the 14: Warmth

Still feel alive (although a little 'weak' yesterday), but looking forward for today!

Just another food idea for today. It's winter and it's nice to feel warm on the inside. It's simple and fast cooking method.

I felt more content now as I woke up at 3.40am, started to pray and did meditation...I had a sudden glimpse (again) that this life is really worth of living! There's nothing should be doubtful about, just trust 'somebody up there' (God, to me).
I felt even blessed that I even have this 'urge' or I should call it 'opportunity' to have this '14-Day Juice Cleanse' idea.
Although this is only 2nd day, nothing much to tell, but I know (deep down) that I will finish it beautifully, just looking forward to see what I'll be going through in this 14 days.


For those of you who is/are thinking, doing this...my suggestion is, once you believe with this idea of juice cleanse benefits (Google and read as much as possible), 'JUST DO IT!! Seriously, the more you think, the more you  (procrastinate), then, the action will never happened!

'JUST DO IT!! ...and enjoy the ride as much as possible.

Go to Your Destiny!

Having trouble sticking with your plan? '14-Day Juice Cleanse'

After combining reading with my own experiences I had with the juice fasting, allow me to put those obstacles and tips together to help your rides as pleasant and enjoyable as possible.

The intention of this detox style is to speed up our body’s natural detoxification process and eliminate as much toxins as possible within the short period of time. During this period of detoxification, our cells and organs are given the chance to rapidly purge out toxins and rest. It is also the time for them to rejuvenate and repair the body systems.

To see the recipe, click here.

Having trouble sticking with your plan? Here are some ideas that may relate to you:

1. When to start? (procrastination..)
Answer: Pick the date to start, decide how many days of fasting and JUST DO IT!!

(after starting..)
2. Thinking of quitting?
Answer: Some discomfort is to be expected when you’re cleansing, they call it detox symptoms, known as a healing crisis. A slight headache, body aches, irritability and bad breath are signs that your body is responding to the process and attempting to remove toxins. They will subside within one or two days. Meditation and/or herbal warmed bath help lots in the process to release tensions and discomforts. Consult your qualified health practitioner if you have doubts/concerns.

3. Hungry or just want to eat something?
Answer: That's why it is important to decrease your food intake days before the cleanse. If you consume enough juice, you should NOT be hungry, perhaps it is just your ego. Continue drinking water! No fiber supplement as it will bulk up any waste in your colon and make you feel more full..JUST STICK WITH YOUR JUICE ONLY! Put some salts in your tongue are also beneficial.

4. More tips?
Re-direct your focus to some other things like doing relaxing activities like yoga, reading books, exercising, teaching kids (in my case :-), meditating that bring you joy as these will help you to occupy the hunger.

During your cleanse, once your hunger has subsided, your mind may still think it needs food. Prepare for this possibility with daily affirmations. Believe in yourself that you will be able to finish the cleanse.

Many people have made it through this process and you can too! Relax and imagine how much different you will feel after your juice cleanse..emotionally, physically, most significantly is spiritually (for me). If you have to stop early (for whatever reasons), relax! You can always try again in a few months.

I wish you all and myself the very best as I still have to go back once in awhile to read the above notes if I had 'issue(s).'

Go To Your Destiny!

The 1st day in 14days of 'Juice Cleanse': Inspiring

Today, is the day I've been waiting for (scared or happy).


Because it's the day I will 'disconnect' myself to the 'real world'. No foods or anything else apart from water and juice for 14 days....yes, 14 days! But hey, I've done it before and they were fantastic, so, I'm looking forward to see the result again this time.

If you're interested, find out more about the '14-Day Juice Cleanse' recipe here.

Food has been my big part in creativity (after I stopped working as someone creative).. therefore, I will still continue my tradition even during this fasting season by cooking something different in my way (since I still have to cook everyday, anyway). Hopefully, I can make something different on other people's table in this 14 days.

The slogan is

Face it when I can't have it,
Smell it when I can't taste it,
Cook it when I can only create it, and let others taste it!

‘14-Day Juice Cleanse’ recipe

For those who want to know the fruit juicer I used during my '14-Day Juice Cleanse', highly recommended using cold-pressed system!

More info of juicer I used at http://www.giftofideas.com/foodjuicer.html

Carrot: 2 kg with skin

Red apple: 3, with skin

Green apple: 3, with skin

Lemon: 1/3, squished

Beetroot: 1/3, with no skin

This makes 1 litre of juice, which is the daily minimum (no maximum amount).

Water - drink lots of water 2-3 liters and preferably filtered, to help flush out toxins

Drinking bottles – Stainless steal bottle is preferable over plastic.

Drinking straws - it is best to drink juice through a straw. This helps to slow down the rate to consumption and increases the exposure time of the juice to the salivary enzymes allowing for faster assimilation into your body. Holding the juice in your mouth for a few moments and “chew it” before swallowing will further enhance the action of the enzymes in your mouth.

Himalayan Rock Salt - found at health food shops. 2-3 little rocks every hour or so,placed directly into tongue should your craving arrised.

Apple cider vinegar - always wash your fruits in the sink with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar for every 1 litre of water. This helps to remove waxes, chemicals, herbicide and pesticides.


Young coconut - the water(without the meat) from 1-2 coconuts per day.
Some of benefits of coconut juice is great source of potassium – has more potassium than two bananas which is vital for optimal nerve and muscle function and regulating fluid levels within cells.

* Decrease your meal's portion slowly as the day of fasting come closer to let the body and BRAIN adjusting nicely with no foods at all for 14 days.

** For the first 1-2 days are normally quite critical as our body re-adjust beautifully, and it goes smoothly days after. If you think it's too challenging, you can try 7 days instead of 14 days to start and repeat it again at least 6 months later.

Other than that, what you need are just being PERSISTENT & PERSEVERANCE, nothing else!

*** Note: Should you have any health concern(s)/doubts, please consult your respected health advisor before and/or after, as this recipe is just a guideline I've been using over and over again. And the results are FANTASTIC physically, mentally, and most importantly my spiritually aspects!

Good Luck, and share with me your journey! For more TIPS of how to stick with the plan, click here.

(Recipe from Leah, Nutritionist)
14-Day of Juice Cleanse.....'fruit Juice' ONLY, and it's juiced NOT using blender.