Thursday, July 30, 2009

Green tea as drink, cake, snaps, etc

Green tea is a name that is becoming more familiar to everyone nowadays because of its health benefits. It is a historic tea and has been used more than 4000 years in Chinese culture and medicine.
Lots other health benefits preventing from weight loss, tooth decay to anxiety depression.Green Tea Weight Loss is also becoming more popular amount those who are craving for losing few or more pounds because it increases metabolism. By having a sip in every meals, or maximal 1 to 2 cups of green tea everyday can help to make your dream come true.

It is high in polyphenols, therefore lowering cancer risks and also its little caffeine helps to stimulate the blood flow for mental clarity such as depression.

Study claims that green tea is a better beverages than black tea. If you interested to find out more how to store green tea in a proper ways, here's the link:

Here is the recipe for Green Tea Snap Sesame Seeds: (you can also view green tea delicious cake)

Ingredients A: Ingredients B:
220 gr margarine 2 egg yolks
165 gr soft icing 1 egg white
1/2 tsp vanilla powder
1/4 tsp salt Ingredients C:
1 tsp baking powder 20 gr milk powder
165 gr cake flour
Ingredients D:
20 gr milk powder
165 gr cake flour
70 gr black sesame seeds
1 tbsp green tea powder (good quality)

How to do:
1. Mix A ingredients till fluffy and white. Add B ingredients, mix it till well-blended.

2. Devide mixture into two, one mix with C ingredients, and the rest with D ingredients till blended.

3. Shape green tea mixture in whatever you desired, in this case in rectangle long shape of 6cm x 3cm. Put it in refrigerator for 30 minutes to harden up.

4. Roll the other colour mixture with 2mm thickness as well and put the green tea shaped on top and wrap it over till it is well-covered. Smoot the edges for presentation.

5. Put all back into refrigerator for 30 minutes, so it's ready to be cut of with 0.5cm - 0.8cm thickness.

6. Bake it in 135C for 10 minutes, lower down the temperature to 100C for 15 minutes or so till brownies surface and dry. Put them aside to cool down.

7. Store them in sealed container in a dry place for not more than 3 weeks. Enjoy..

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